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Monday, May 16 2016

Tarpon Opener...

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A very good start to the 2016 tarpon season and we've seen several fish and brought one boat side. I always take the first couple days and go scouting, with some of the other guides and good friends. Today I was out with a great friend and excellent Homosassa guide, Capt. Jim Farrior and we caught a fish in the seventy pound class on the long rod. The fish ate the classic purple/black color combination and we spent the rest of the day spotting a few other schools of fish and running south towards Bayport. A great day and I thank you for letting me have the bow of the boat for the day... Capt. Dan

Captain Dan

I'm captain Dan Clymer and I've lived and fished the Crystal River & Homosassa rivers my entire life. Give me a call at (352) 418-2160 to schedule a charter and go fishing!