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Saturday, Sep 03 2016

Hurricane Hermine

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It's been since 1993 since us folks here in Citrus County have experienced a storm of this severity. Hermine came though our area late Thursday night and really left a devastating aftermath. Extreme coastal flooding was the majority of the damage and water levels rivaled that of the 1993 "no name" storm. Homes and business were damaged and the water surge reached all the way to highway 19 and to the East side of the highway as well. Everyone is working to get things back to normal and it may be a bit of time before the fishing resumes as well. I'll keep you posted and please keep the ones that had damage in your prayers... Capt. Dan

Captain Dan

I'm captain Dan Clymer and I've lived and fished the Crystal River & Homosassa rivers my entire life. Give me a call at (352) 418-2160 to schedule a charter and go fishing!