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Wednesday, Feb 16 2011

New Best! Feb. 16th 2011 Featured

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P2160367Today we set the bar for the biggest sheepshead I've had on the boat and the overall quality in size. I had Dale from Wisconsin on board for his annual Ferbruary trip to Crystal River. The pressure was on for me because his family requested fish for a fish fry, so we were off to the sheepshead grounds once again. The seas were slick calm today, and it was an easy ride offshore. 11 keeper sheepshead made there way into the cooler and we had a total weight of almost 30lbs. It was a great day to remember and I thank you Dale for a fun time. Look forward to our trip next year and congratulations on the big sheepie... Capt. Dan
Captain Dan

I'm captain Dan Clymer and I've lived and fished the Crystal River & Homosassa rivers my entire life. Give me a call at (352) 418-2160 to schedule a charter and go fishing!