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Tuesday, Feb 07 2012

Windy Macks & Sheeps...

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It was a windy one today out in the Gulf of Mexico and Jim, Melanie, Ray and Linda put on their sea legs. I met the group at Pete's Pier Marina and by looking at the cooling towers at the power plant, I knew it was going to be bumpy. The crew said lets give it a try and we made it out to the 8ft depth range and did very well. Chumming up some Spanish mackerel was the main attraction for the day, along with a few sheepshead added to the mix. It's actually quite early for the mackerel to be here in such good numbers and it's a much welcomed surprise. Several gag grouper kept the rods bent in between the sheepshead and macks and they are always a fun fight on light tackle. Thank you all for the great time and here is Melanie with a beautiful Crystal River sheepshead... Capt. Dan
Captain Dan

I'm captain Dan Clymer and I've lived and fished the Crystal River & Homosassa rivers my entire life. Give me a call at (352) 418-2160 to schedule a charter and go fishing!