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Monday, Jun 18 2012

Tarpon Up Close & Personal...

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Wow, what an amazing trip out of Crystal River with my wife Becky. We both had the day off today and having to complete a little boat maintenance this morning, we hit the gulf just before noon. Tarpon was the plan and with several tough trips since the prior week of all the rain, the tarpon have finally shown back up. We set up drifts along the bars and with tarpon rolling in our sights, it was fish on. We lucked in to a beautiful tarpon in the 80lb range and after an hour and a half battle, it was boat side for a couple pictures. We revived the fish thoroughly and watched her swim away. Let's hope they will remain in our area for a couple more months... Capt. Dan
Captain Dan

I'm captain Dan Clymer and I've lived and fished the Crystal River & Homosassa rivers my entire life. Give me a call at (352) 418-2160 to schedule a charter and go fishing!