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Monday, Dec 19 2016

Monday Trout & Gags...

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Always a great day with Dan, Joe and Lauren on board and these gentlemen had a good one. We reached the gulf to absolute glass clam conditions and started the trip jigging up a fine catch of trout. Glow colored MirrOlure Lil' Johns were the bait of the day and they definitely kept the rods bent on the trout. Having the gulf so calm, we ran quite a bit offshore to the 30ft range and found a couple nice gags. The bite was slow and I hit several places before we found them, but we hung in there and it was a great day. I thank you guys and I look forward to next time... Capt. Dan

Captain Dan

I'm captain Dan Clymer and I've lived and fished the Crystal River & Homosassa rivers my entire life. Give me a call at (352) 418-2160 to schedule a charter and go fishing!